The Link in Bio tool for freelancers by freelancers

Monetise your skills by showcasing your work the way you want to

*Your portfolio would be hosted for free forever.
Know more about the beta program

A powerful portfolio in just a few clicks

Design your portfolio the way you want it with our easy drag and drop portfolio builder.
Add images, links to past projects, testimonials, and even your offered services

A customised experience for each client

Create multiple versions of your portfolio and choose which one you want your clients to see
Peace of mind
Make it private so you don't have to worry about someone stealing your work

Backed by data

Know who’s interacting with your portfolio to optimise lead conversion


our new beta program

A community of the freelancers, by the freelancers, for the freelancers.


Be one of the first to experience
our latest features that help
increase conversions!

A value packed program for early adopters who are willing to engage with the product and Passionbits community.

The program would enable us to work with select independent talent closely to help them get more business, while also influencing the Passionbits products.

Perks of the program

One link
Have a team of experts to audit and review your cold email and messages. Get customised themes for your portfolio
One link
Support to building their audience with partnership in form of ad credits & merchandise
One link
Invited to our vip roundtables (chocolate/wine tasting sessions), offline mixers, etc.
One link
Gain access to exclusive lessons from our marketing and design experts
One link
Be part of an influential community of freelancers and get the chance to be featured on our website

Featured Portfolios

PortfolioVisit Portfolio PortfolioVisit Portfolio PortfolioVisit Portfolio PortfolioVisit Portfolio


How can the platform help me?
Passionbits is a link in bio tool specifically designed for freelancers to showcase their work in the most effective way. Upload any type of sample , view your portfolio performance, audience retention and much more to convert leads into clients.
How should I use my Portfolio?
Use your portfolio to link as your “featured link”, “link in comment”, “link in bio” and much more. Talk about your content on your social media platform and convert them into clients using the Passionbits portfolio link. Use your portfolio link to showcase your work while pitching to clients, list the link to your ser vice as your link in comments on LinkedIn posts and many more ways.
Will I be charged some amount for availing the functionality?
No, it is a free forever product designed for the freelancers by the freelancers.
What type of samples can I add on my Portfolio?
A creator can add Pdfs, Images, Links, Testimonials, Customise thumbnails for the blocks, Projects and much more.
How can I monetise my services?
Add the service you provide and the price you charge for it. You can add payment options for prepaid gigs, calendly links to schedule meetings and questionnaire forms to collect data of your leads whom you can convert into clients in future.
How can I customise my samples based on the industry my client belongs to?
On Passionbits, you can create versions of your portfolio by adding multiple pages under 1 link. Customise each page depending on the industry you want to target and share your Portfolio to that client.
I don’t want to show my sample to everyone. How can I maintain the privacy of my content?
Each page on your portfolio can be made private or public as per your choice. Head to the drop down menu on the page header and you can select the visibility option for your page.
Can I get clients on the platform?
The platform is a link in bio tool dedicated to showcase your work in the most effective manner. While you cannot find clients on the platform, the powerful portfolio link helps you attract and convert your audience to a revenue generating audience across other platforms.