How To Make A Portfolio [w/ Infographic]

Do you want to start freelancing or consulting but don’t have a portfolio? Or maybe you already have some work samples but aren’t sure where to align them together?

What should you include in your portfolio?

A good portfolio shows potential clients that you’re able to write effectively, communicate clearly, and meet deadlines.

The portfolio itself should showcase your various types of projects and provide examples of your work. It should also highlight your style, approach, and expertise.

Best possible way to build a portfolio: Using a No-Code Tool

When was the last time you built something from scratch? Maybe it was a website, maybe it was a video or a series of artwork.

Whatever it was, building something from nothing is a lot of work.

But, there are many ways you can cut down at least ten hours a week working on your portfolio

Here’s how you can make a portfolio in less than 10 minutes:

Passionbits is a portfolio builder that gives you the ability to create stunning portfolios without having to know any code. The drag and drop interface allows you to build your own website using pre-designed layouts in < 10 minutes.

How To Make A Portfolio Using Passionbits

Step 1: Go to and enter a URL for your portfolio

Step 2: And you will be redirected to sign up page→ enter your email, a strong password and hit sign up

Step 3: Next, answer a few questions and get a pre-designed portfolio

Step 4: Once you have answered the questions, you can customize your portfolio to suit your needs

Best Uses:

  1. No Code Tool:
    • All you have to do is drag and drop elements into place & customize
    • Responsive with all the devices

  1. Showcase Work:
    • An easy way to show off what you have been working on
    • You can easily add pdfs, images, links and projects

  1. Multiple Versions:
    • Show off any specific skills that may only apply to one type of client/company

For Freelancers,

1/ Showcase services & cost: Clients can see right away what you offer, how much it costs, and how you can help them.

2/ Calendly integration: Clients can see the time slots you have available within your portfolio page and automatically set up a meeting with you.

Make your portfolio today and give your career a boost

Take me to the Builder ⭷

Roadmap To Build A ‘High-Convincing’ Portfolio

Step 1: Choose A Layout That Makes Sense

If you’re a graphic designer who mainly creates logos and other graphics for businesses, it might make sense to collect all of your designs in one folder. 

But if you create more than just logos and graphics, organizing them by type might not be as helpful.

Choose a layout that’s easy to navigate. Some designers prefer to use folders or drawers instead of folders as their main structure, while others prefer an organized grid system. 

The best way to find out what works best for you is to try it out and see how it feels!

Step 2: Start with your best work

When you’re looking for new clients, one of the biggest decisions you’ll need to make is whether to show your recent projects or focus on your broader experience.

Showcase your best recent work: When you’re building out your portfolio, you’ll likely want to start by showcasing your most recent work.

This includes anything you’ve completed within the last year or two. These are the projects where you put the most effort into and where you feel you did well.

Focus on your broad skillset: Once you’ve shown your recent work, it’s time to shift gears and begin showcasing your broader experience. This means highlighting everything you’ve done since graduating college.

It could mean listing every client you’ve worked with over the past five years or it could mean focusing on specific skill sets and achievements.

Whatever works for you to highlight your broad experience will be the best approach.

Step 3: Show Off Your Results In Numbers

Your portfolio is often called upon by potential clients when they’re deciding whether to hire you. So if you want to stand out from the crowd, it’s important that you show off what you do best.

When creating a portfolio, think about how you would explain yourself to someone who doesn’t know much about you. For example, would you talk about your previous client results or focus on your personal strengths?

You may be wondering why we’ve included both. In fact, we recommend having both because each has its own unique benefit.

Step 4: Use Various Types Of Content To Keep The Visitor Engaged

You may think that all content is created equal. But if you look at the different types of content available today, you’ll find that each type offers its own unique advantages.

Here’s what you need to know about the most effective elements you can include in your portfolio:

Image: Images are powerful tools when it comes to creating engaging content. They are easy to digest and understand. When combined with a strong headline, they can help you grab attention from readers who are scrolling past your work descriptions

Video: Videos are another great tool for helping you stand out in the crowded digital world. They are fun to watch, easy to consume, and can often generate a higher conversions than text alone.

Infographics: Infographics are visual representations of information. They are great for showing off data points and statistics. (Best for showcasing results you provided to your previous clients)

Case Studies: Case studies focus on a single project. They are ideal for showcasing specific details of how you helped a client succeed.

White Papers: White papers are long documents that explain a particular concept or idea. They are usually written by experts in the field and contain tons of useful information.

Luckily, you can include all the above media in your portfolio using Passionbits.

Step 5: Tailor Your Portfolio For Each Client Segment

Think about your ideal client. Then think about what they care most about when hiring someone. Is it design? Writing skills? Marketing experience? Whatever it is, tailor your portfolio to reflect those strengths.

Doing so makes each project feel unique and tailored to the individual’s needs. This boosts conversions because clients are more likely to hire you if they see that you’ve done similar work before.

You can do this by creating a separate portfolio for every type of client segment. If you’re a freelance writer, consider creating a portfolio for each kind of writing job. If you’re a graphic designer, create a portfolio for each type of project.

Practice different ways of presenting information. There’s no right way to do it. Just figure out which methods are most effective for you.

Once you’ve got all the pieces in place, add a call to action (CTA) button to your portfolio. This way, when visitors land on your site they know exactly what to expect. They can click through to learn more about your services and products.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re building a portfolio or an eBook, the goal is to create something that helps your audience convert into leads.

Finally, you can create multiple private versions of your portfolio using Passionbits.

Step 6: Show Off Your Writing and Communication Skills

A well-written portfolio showcases your ability to write, present information, and communicate ideas clearly. It also demonstrates your ability to research and conduct thorough analysis.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve only written one blog post, or if you’re a seasoned writer who’s mastered many genres. If you’re looking to build up a portfolio, you must show what you know.

As an added bonus, a clear and consise portfolio helps you stand out from the crowd — especially when you’re competing against thousands of applicants. So make sure you put time into creating a portfolio that highlights your best communication skills.

Step 7: Showcase Your Services

You can do this by creating adding a simple section where you showcase your services.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a free service or paid. What matters is that you show off what you can do.

You could offer a free consultation, or a free web design audit, or a free SEO audit. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something that would interest someone who needs help from you.

Once you’ve created a section, add a call to action. This should be something that gets people excited, and gives them a reason to contact you directly.

Use the opportunity to ask for feedback, or to give them the option to sign up for your newsletter. If you’re offering a freebie, make sure to mention how much time it takes to complete.

The goal here is to get people interested enough to click through to your site so you can convert them into paying customers.

While you may think that this is a waste of time, it actually works very well. Once you have a list of contacts, you can follow up with them later and pitch your services.

You’ll find that most people are willing to pay for quality work done quickly. So, when they see that you’re able to deliver, they’ll be happy to hire you.

And once you’ve got a client, you can then go back to your portfolio and update it to reflect your new skillset.

How To Drive Traffic To Your Portfolio

Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for generating free traffic. If you have a portfolio site, you should be posting your work on social media.

You could do this manually by creating posts yourself, or you can hire someone else to do it for you. Either way, you should be regularly posting your portfolio to Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and any other platforms where you think your work would resonate.

Don’t forget to include a link in bio to your portfolio site. This is a no brainer, but it’s often overlooked.

Here are a few simple steps you can follow to boost your social media presence and drive tons of traffic to your portfolio site.

1. Build relationships with influential members of the community.

As mentioned above, building relationships with influential members of any given community is key to success.

You can start by commenting on relevant posts and engaging in discussions. If you find yourself being asked questions, always provide answers.

It doesn’t matter whether you agree with the person or not. What matters is that you show interest in what they’ve written.

Once you build trust, you can ask for help. Be sure to reciprocate when someone does something nice for you.

2. Create content that resonates with others.

When you write content, keep in mind who you’re writing for.

Are you writing for potential clients? Are you writing for fellow professionals? Or are you writing for your own benefit?

Regardless of your intentions, you should always write content that resonates with your target audience.

How To Convert Your Portfolio Visitors Into Clients

However, most portfolios are static sites that look pretty much the same every time visitors visit. They lack any sort of conversion mechanism.

That’s where the magic happens. If you know how to convert your portfolio visitors into clients, you’ve got yourself a winner.

Here’s what you need to focus on:

3 Elements Of A High Converting Portfolio

1. Clear ‘Emphasis’ On Best Work

When creating a portfolio site, you should always put emphasis on your best work. If you’re trying to sell yourself as a designer, then highlight your best designs.

If you’re selling yourself as a developer, then highlight your most successful tech projects. And if you’re selling yourself as an agency or a freelancer, then showcase your clients’ success stories.

You may think that putting focus on the worst work is better because it shows you’re humble and willing to learn from your mistakes. But remember, your goal is to convert visitors into clients.

So by highlighting your best work, you’re giving potential clients a reason to hire you. They’ll see how much effort you’ve put into each project and how well you execute on your promises.

And if you do end up working with a client, they’ll be impressed by your ability to deliver quality work on time.

2. Leveraging Social Proof

Social proof is the idea that if someone else likes something, then we should too.

It’s a powerful tool for increasing conversions because it makes us feel better about our decisions. If someone else has already bought a similar service, then we know we won’t regret it.

If you’ve got a product that sells itself, then you can easily leverage social proof by posting testimonials from happy customers.

However, if you sell services, then you might find yourself struggling to get clients to provide testimonials. Here’s what you can do:

You can ask potential clients to leave reviews after completing work, or you can offer them a free trial. Then, when they start working with you, you can ask them to review your work.

While it may seem like a lot of effort, the results are worth it. Your clients will be more than willing to give you feedback, and you’ll build trust and credibility.

4. Adding CTAs To Contact You

CTAs – Call To Actions – are the most important part of any portfolio/service page. They are what allow visitors to convert from being interested in your work into actually curious about your offer.

A simple way to add a call to action is to include a button on your site that leads to a form where potential clients can submit information about themselves and their project.

You could also send your clients to book an appointment with you. (Which gives you control over the clients’ buying process)

You can create lead generation forms and integrate Calendly on a Passionbits Portfolio

The Anatomy Of A Perfect Portfolio – Infographic


In conclusion, having a portfolio doesn’t mean you have to spend thousands of dollars on fancy design, fancy writing, and exotic elements. It means that you should do your homework, create a plan with your end goal in mind, and make sure that you’re able to show off the real you.

A portfolio can really help you stand out from the crowd. Even if you don’t have a traditional job, you don’t have to wait around to build one. In fact, you probably already have a portfolio sitting around in pieces somewhere in the depths of your computer.

All you need to start creating yours is your recent work, a Portfolio Builder (Passionbits), and a sense of curiosity.

Get Your Portfolio Ready In <10 Minutes

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Build Your Portfolio In Minutes

Eliminate roadblocks and deliver high converting Portfolios